作者:ahzyxb  添加时间:2012-10-16 点击次数:195
(安徽交通职业技术学院,安徽 合肥  230051)
摘  要:高校皇冠博彩是社会主义先进文化的重要组成部分。加强高校皇冠博彩建设对于促进优秀文化传承和思想文化创新,进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育、全面提高大学生综合素质具有十分重要的意义。文章从文化传承创新作为高校的责任,皇冠博彩是文化强国的后盾等方面阐述了高校皇冠博彩传承创新的意义,结合思想政治教育的必要性,提出了高校思想政治教育与皇冠博彩传承创新结合的新思路。
中图分类号:G641      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)03000103
Campus culture is an important part of socialist advanced culture, it is of great significance to strengthen the construction of campus culture to promote the excellent culture heritage and cultural innovation, to further strengthen and improve college students′ ideological and political education, to improve the overall quality of students.
The paper describes the importance of innovation of campus cultural heritage from the viewpoint that this innovation is the responsibilities of colleges and campus culture is the support of building up a powerful nation by culture.
The paper provides a new method for the ideological and political education and the inheritance and innovcation of campus ciclture from the necessity of this education.
Key words:university; campus culture; ideological and political education; innovation
(安徽审计职业学院,安徽 合肥  230601)
摘  要:隐性教育是一种不带明显声势的资源模式。高校在开展思想政治教育的时候,必须充分利用各种途径,将隐性教育融入思想政治教育之中。文章在分析隐性教育内涵的基础上,探讨了高校隐性教育在思想政治教育中的作用和实施路径。
中图分类号:G641      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)03000702
Recessive education is a resource model without obvious power, so this education should be merged in the ideological and palitical education at universities in various ways. The paper discusses its effect and methods in ideological and political education at universities based on the analyses of its contents.
Key words:university; recessive education; ideological and political education
(皇冠博彩管理系,安徽 合肥  230011)
摘  要:为全面建设小康社会、开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面,在新的历史时期,我们党提出了构建社会主义和谐社会宏伟蓝图。构建高校和谐校园不仅是实现我国和谐社会建设目标的必要条件,也是实现我国和谐社会建设目标的有力保证。同时,构建和谐社会为创建高校和谐校园提供了新契机。
中图分类号:G647      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)03000904
Abstract:For building a fairly welloff society and creating a new situation in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new historical period, our Party has put forward a grand blueprint for building a socialist harmonious society. Construction of harmonious campus is not only a necessary condition to achieve the goals of the construction of a harmonious society in China, but also a powerful guarantee to achieve the goal of building a harmonious society in China. At the same time, building a harmonious society provides a new opportunity to create a harmonious college campus.
Key words:construction; harmonious campus; harmonious society; relationship
(安徽省凤阳散热器有限公司 技术科,安徽 滁州  233122)
摘  要:文章分析了中、小型运输卡车用散热器主片的成形工艺,计算了毛坯尺寸,确定了主片模具工艺方案及模具结构,论述了主片二次拉伸模的结构及工作过程、原理和关键部位的结构设计。实践证明,模具结构合理,生产的零件符合技术要求。
中图分类号:TH16      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)03001303
Abstract:By analyzising the forming process for the main slices of medium and small trucks radiators, calculating the blank size and determining the program and mould structure of the main slices,and discussing the structure and work process of the second drawing mould, the structural design of key parts,it is finally confirmed that the mould structure is reasonable and that the production of parts meets the technical requirements.
Key words:main slice; rectangular box; drawing; mould structure; combination punch
成天驹,  陈海东,  计昌柱,  邵善敏,  胡学敏
(合肥工业大学 仪器科学与光电工程学院,安徽 合肥  230009)
摘  要:随着机床制造水平的不断提高,机床几何误差占机床加工误差的比例越来越小,热误差所占比例越来越大,为了满足日益增长的高精度加工需求,必须建立数学模型有效补偿数控机床热误差。文章对leader way数控加工中心主轴热关键点进行了分析,建立了多元线性回归模型,对数控加工中心主轴热误差进行了补偿,验证了模型精度与稳健性。
中图分类号:TH161      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)03001603
Abstract:With the continuous development of machine tool manufacturing, geometric error has smaller  proportion of the total machining error of machine tool, and thermal error is getting a an increasing proportion. In order to meet the growing demand for highprecision machining, it is urgent to establish a mathematical model for thermal error compensation of CNC machine tool effectively.  This paper analyzes the key points of thermal error of CNC machining center of Leader Way V450 and establishes a multiple linear regression model for thermal error compensation of the spindle of CNC machining center, to verify the accuracy and robustness of the model.
Key words:fuzzy clusstering analysis; grey relational analysis; thermal error; multiple regression model
(中共泰州市委党校,江苏 泰州  225300)
摘  要:利益评析与利益选择是对利益大小、重要性的评判及其对利益的取舍。影响利益评析与利益选择的因素很多,最重要的是观念与思维问题。科学地做好利益的评析与利益选择要抓好三个环节。一是在利益远近追求上应两者兼顾,既有长远眼光,也舍得放弃,并有效地做好心理控制,以突出长远利益。二是在利益的点面分析上应整体考量,遵循整体原则、利益叠加原则和弱险避害原则,以寻求最佳利益。三是在利益大小的比较上应动态思维,充分考虑现实条件、主要需要以及本质利益,以寻求关键利益。
中图分类号:F20      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)03001906
The assessment of interests and the selection of interests are the judgement about the size and importance of interests as well as the choice of interests. There are many factors that affect the judgement and choice, among which the conceptions and thoughts are the most important. The scientific way is to grasp the three links: the first is the pursuit of long and near interests should be balanced, with farsight and willingness of giveup to have a good psychological control to highlight the longtem interests; the second is the surface analyses of interests should be considered from the whole and the best interests should be pursued from the principles of the whole, the interests superpostion and avoiding hams in risks; and the third the interests should be compared in a dynamic pursuit with full consideration of actual conditions, main needs and essential interests.
Key words:interests; assessment; selection
王  微1,  马义清2
(1.常州市广播电视大学,江苏 常州  213001;2.常州市烟草公司,江苏 常州  213001)
摘  要:文章利用保险精算模型,建立了无赎回权的住房反向抵押贷款定价模型,根据上海市历年商品住宅数据进行了案例分析,得出了借款人在趸领方式和年金支付方式下可以得到的贷款额,分析的结果可以为住房反向抵押贷款产品定价和应用提供参考。
中图分类号:F2933;F8324      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)03002505
Abstract:This paper constructs the pricing model of irredeemable reverse mortgage based on the actuarial evaluation, and carries on the case analyses according to the previous commercial housing data in Shanghai, and then calculates the loan amount respectively in situations of one-time payment and the life annuity payment, and finally recommends policies of developing the irredeemable reverse mortgage in our country.
Key words:actuarial evaluation; irredeemable; reverse mortgage
马  云
(华东政法大学,上海  200063)
摘  要:我国交强险对于本车人员及被保险人的损害是拒赔的,而交强险条款中的被保险人是指投保人及其允许的合法驾驶人。但是对于驾驶人下车后受到本车的伤害是否能够获得保险理赔,一直存在着争议。一种观点认为驾驶人离开车辆后就应当被当做第三者,保险公司应当理赔。另一种观点则认为驾驶人作为车辆的控制人,短暂下车后并不改变其作为车辆驾驶人的角色,保险公司可以拒赔。笔者认为,此类案件争议焦点实际上在于“驾驶人”这个概念的解释,同时对于交强险中相关概念及条款的解释不应当简单地适用不利解释原则做出对保险人不利的解释。
中图分类号:DF4384      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)03003004
Abstract:In our country, the compensation to the injuries of passengers and insured is declined by the motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance. The clause of the motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance identyfies the insured as the insurant and legitimate driver.But whether the driver should be compensated when he gets off the motor vehicle and is injured by his own vehicle is always not clear. A kind of viewpoint is when the driver gets off the motor vehicle he should be treated as the third party. Another kind of viewpoint thinks the driver as the controller of the motor vehicle, his getting off the car temporarily does not change the status as a driver so the insurance company can decline the claim. The paper points out that the focus of the debate is the explanation about the word of  “driver”. Also,the explanation of the clause of the motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance can not simply wse the unfavorably explained principles to make unfavorable explanation to the insurer.
Key words:the motor vehicle compulsory liability insurance; driver outside the motor vehicle;  the third party; unfavorably explained principle
(常州轻工职业技术学院 图书馆,江苏 常州  213164)
摘  要:文章列举了高院图书馆开放式服务所产生的管理方面的问题,讨论了RFID技术的特点,并与目前普遍应用的条形码技术进行了比较,探讨了通过运用RFID电子标签存储与无线读取功能实现自助借还、自动搜寻图书等功能,解决高院图书馆开放式管理所存在的问题。
中图分类号:G251      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)03003403
Abstract:The paper lists some management problems about open services for university libraries. It discusses the characters of RFID technology, and compares RFID with bar code technology commonly used now. The paper approaches how to realize selfborrowing and returning service, automatically booksearching service with the help of RFID memory and wireless access functions of electronic tags. And it points out that RFID technology can solve some problems about open services of university libraries.
Key words:RFID; library open management; selfborrowing; selfreturning; library intelligent management
(常州市财政局,江苏 常州  213000)
摘  要:《皇冠博彩》的执行促进了我国小企业的健康发展。文章从《皇冠博彩》执行过程中存在问题,剖析影响《皇冠博彩》执行的原因,并结合常州的实际,提出了有效执行《皇冠博彩》的对策。
中图分类号:F23519      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)03003703
The implementation of ″accounting system for small businesses″ can promote the health development of these enterprises in our country. The paper analyses the existing prombles in the implementation of the system and the reasons that affect the implementation. It puts forwarel the effective countermeasures for the implementation of ″accounting system for small businesses″ in accord with the actual situation in Changzhou City.
Key words:accounting system for small businesses; present situation; countermeasure
(安徽省黄山市公路管理局休宁县分局,安徽 黄山  245400)
摘  要:根据安徽省十几年来公路建设质量管理体制的演变和改革,摸索、分析、总结出一套适合当前公路建设质量要求的先进质量控制管理经验,迅速在安徽省各个在建项目中加以推广应用,无疑对提高工程质量水平,更好地建设跨世纪的精品公路具有十分重要的现实指导意义。
中图分类号:U41512      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)03004003
Abstract:From the development, reform of quality management system in highway construction in Anhui province in recent years, the paper explores and sums up a series of QC experiences suitable for current quality demand in the highway construction. The QC experiences are spreaded and used in a lot of projects in Anhui and are of significance in the promotion of quality of the project and in the construction of premium highways in the new centecry.
Key words:quality; control; system
(安徽师范大学 外国语学院,安徽 芜湖  241003)
摘  要:在英国诗歌里,有两首同以水仙为描写对象的诗作,一为华兹华斯的《皇冠博彩》,一为赫里克的《皇冠博彩》。两者在风格上各有特色,但表现的主题却相去甚远。水仙在华兹华斯笔下是自然的象征,美的化身。《皇冠博彩》则表达了生命短暂的哲理。以新批评派的观点评判,这两首诗构成了一个极好悖论。
关键词:英国诗歌; 水仙; 华兹华斯; 赫里克; 悖论
中图分类号:I1062      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)03004304
Abstract: In English poetry, there are two poems with daffodils as the subject. One is Wordsworth′s ″I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud″, the other is Herrick′s ″To Daffodils″. Both of them are successful literary creations, but they convey different themes. Daffodils in Wordsworth′s poem is the symbol of nature, an incarnation of beauty. However, ″To Daffodils″ expresses a philosophy that life is short. From the perspective of New Criticism, these two poems constitute a good ″paradox″.
Key words:English poetry; daffodil; Wordsworth; Herrick; paradox
(广东商学院 华商学院文学系, 广东 广州  511300)
摘  要:萧红在对国民性批判主题上继承了鲁迅的遗志,《皇冠博彩》是其解剖国民性的最好标本。文章从大泥坑、精神盛举、集体无意识三个角度,分析萧红笔下的“看客”群像,揭示其对民族劣根性的深层文化批判。
中图分类号:I207425      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)03004703
Abstract:Xiao Hong, a woman writer, carries out the behest wish of Lu Xun in the theme of national criticism. ″The Biography of the Hulan River″ is the best sample to dissect the nationality. The paper analyzes the ″group of onlookers″ in the Xiao Hong′s novel from the pits, spiritual great deeds and collective unconsciousness and the deep cultural criticism on the root of evil of the nation.
Key words:onlooker; a group; Xiao Hong; criticism
(拉萨师范高等专科学院,西藏 拉萨  850000)
摘  要:文章从后殖民翻译视阈出发,选取语言、地理位置、风俗习惯和伦理道德四个方面,通过对寒山诗和史耐德英译诗的比较分析,发现史耐德在翻译寒山诗的过程中受到西方中心主义思想影响,重构了寒山子的文化身份。
中图分类号:I20722      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)03005004
Abstract:From postcolonial perspective, this paper compares the original Hanshan poems with the translated ones based on four aspects which are language, geographic location, social customs and ethics, and finds that Snyder is affected by westerncentralism in the process of translating and  reconstructs Han-shan′s cultural identity.
Key words:Hanshan;post colonialism;cultural identity
(黄山书社  教辅编辑室,安徽 合肥  230071)
摘  要:方弘静诗歌创作对明代嘉靖、万历时期徽州文学及文学社团的发展,起到相当大的推动作用。按时间顺序,其诗歌可以分为三个时期:青少年时期的“庠中稿”,仅存89首,内容主要为:抒发报效国家、建功立业的理想抱负;表达功名未就、壮志难酬的苦闷与愁思;登临山水,表达诗人旷达淡泊的情怀。宦旅时期的“旅中稿”,主要内容为对下层劳动人民悲惨生活的同情和羁旅愁绪、思乡怀友之情。晚年时期的“山中稿”,是其诗歌创作的鼎盛时期,诗歌题材多样,内容广泛,诗风平淡自然。
关键词:方弘静; 嘉万时期; 诗歌创作
中图分类号:I207.22      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)03005405
Abstract:The creation of Fang Hongjing′s poetry is very important to the development of literature and literary communities in Huizhou region in the period of Emperor Wanli and Jiajing in Ming Dynasty in China. According to the time sequence, his poetry can be divided into three periods: ″the itch manuscripts″ in his youth,only 89 of which have remained, and the main contents of which are to express his ideal and ambition to serve and make contribution to his motherland, the depression and melancholy that his fame and ambition is unrealized and the writer′s broadminded sentiments when enjoying the beauty of the nature; ″the trip manuscripts″ in his official trip period, the main contents of which show the sympathy to the miserable lives of the lowerlever people, the gloomy mood in the trip and the feeling of homesickness and yearning for friends; ″mountain manuscripts″ in his old age, which is the prosperous period of his poem creation, and in this period his poems have various subjects, broad contents and the style of his poems are insipid and natural.
Key words:Fang Hongjing; the period of Emperor Wanli and Jiajing in Ming Dynasty in China; creation of poem
(安徽大学 文学院,安徽 合肥  230039)
摘  要:文章在语料分析的基础上,对副词“就”和“才”是否可以与句尾语气助词“了”共现的现象进行了考察,发现了副词“就”与“了”共现的现象比“才”与“了”共现的现象出现得更加频繁。从时间方面考虑,是由于“就”表示一个事件的实际发生时间早于预期的时间,可以和“了”共现,而“才”则表示一个事件实际发生的时间晚于预期时间,故不能共现;从语气方面考虑,“就”多用来表示肯定的语气,常与“了”共现,而“才”则用来强调确定的语气,较“了”所表达的肯定语气更加强烈,故不能共现。
关键词:就; 才; 了; 共现
中图分类号:H042      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)03005904
Based on the analysis of the corpus, this paper studies the cooccurrence phenomenon of adverb ″就jiu″and″才cai″ and modal particle ″了cai″. It is found that the adverb″ 就 jiu″ and ″才cai″ appear more frequently than modal particle ″了liao″ in the phenomenon of cooccurrence. From the consideration of time, this phenomenon is caused by that ″就jiu″ shows an event of the actual time earlier than expected time, so it can cooccur with ″了liao″. In contrast, ″ 才cai″ means one event of actual time later than expected time, so it can′t cooccur. From the consideration of mood, ″就jiu″ is used to say for sure mood, often followed by ″了liao″ while ″才cai″ is used to emphasize certain tone. A ″了liao″ expresses strong tone of certainty, so they don′t appear at the same time.
Key words: 就jiu; 才cai; 了liao; cooccurrence
刘  超
(福建船政交通职业学院 管理工程系,福建 福州  350007)
摘  要:闽台高校“校校企”合作办学作为一种新的办学模式,福建省内很多高校都在进行积极的探索,也取得了阶段性成果。合作各方在联合培养人才的过程中,还存在着一些亟须解决的问题。为了确保项目最终实施效果,必须从教学计划的制订到实施进行细化,发挥台资企业在人才培养中的作用,并加大政府政策扶持力度。
关键词:闽台; 高校; 校校企
中图分类号:G710      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)03006304
Abstract:″Collegescollegeenterprise″ as new model of copperation between some colleges in Fujian and Taiwan provinces, is actively explored in Fujian and achieves staged results. However, there are some problems in the process of united talentcultivation. In order to ensure the effect of the project, it is important that colleges lay down and implement particular curricula, the enterprises from Taiwan play more important roles in the talentcultivation and that the governments enforce political supports.
Key words:Fujian and Taiwan; colleges; collegecollegeenterprise
韩长菊,  宋丽瑛,  刘  萍,  唐  越
(昆明冶金高等专科学院 建材学院,云南 昆明  650033)
摘  要:澳大利亚是世界公认的职业技术教育做得较好的国家,TAFE的教育教学方法对我国的职业教育有很大的启示。文章通过学习澳大利亚TAFE教育,与我国高职教育现状相比较,探索出适合我国高职教育发展的教学方法。
关键词:TAFE教育; 高等职业教育; 教学改革; 教学方法
中图分类号:G712      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)03006704
Abstract:The paper points out that the TAFE in Australia is wellknown in the world and the TAFE offers enlightenment to the vocational education in  China. The paper also offers some suitable teaching methods for Chinese vocational education from TAFE in Australia and the camparison between the vocational education in China and Australia.
Key words:TAFE education; higher vocational education; teaching reform; teaching method
(福建对外经济贸易职业技术学院,福建 福州  350016)
摘  要:评价机制是课程改革的关键,文章就台湾技职院校与大陆高职院校的英语教学评价机制进行对比,分析了台湾的全民英检,以期两岸英语教育者能够借鉴和吸收彼此科学、客观的评价方式,最终达到改革、创新与完善评价机制之目的。
中图分类号:G7192      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)03007105
Abstract:Evaluation mechanism is very important to curriculum reform. Therefore, the paper introduces and compares English teaching evaluation mechanism between crossstrait vocational colleges and highlights General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) in Taiwan, and it points out that crossstrait educators are able to learn and absorb scientific and objective evaluation modes from each other. In the end, we can achieve our goals, that is, reform, innovation and improvement of evaluation mechanism, and curriculum reform.
Key words:crossstrait; vocational college; English teaching evaluation mechanism
陈  莉
(马鞍山职业技术学院,安徽 马鞍山  343031)
摘  要:任务型教学法是一种以学习任务为核心的外语教学方法,强调学生“做中学”,能够充分调动学生的学习主动性和积极性。文章探讨了任务型教学法在商务英语泛读课程中的成功运用。
关键词:任务型教学法; 商务英语泛读; 运用
中图分类号:G712      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)03007602
Abstract:Taskbased Language Teaching is a learning taskcentered teaching approach, which attaches great importance to learning by doing. This approach can fully motivate students′ initiatives and activities. This research discusses the successful application of Taskbased Language Teaching in business extensive reading course.
Key words:taskbased language teaching; business extensive reading; application
(皇冠博彩 机械工程系,安徽 合肥  230011)
摘  要:《皇冠博彩》是机械类专业的重要技术基础课,文章指出了目前部分高职院校在本课程改革中存在的问题,讲授式教学模式不能培养学生的测量实践技能,并从优化课程结构、改革实验教学模式和考核评价方式等方面论述了加强实验教学,将理论讲解融入实验教学中,调整实验内容和实验方式,才能锻炼学生实践动手能力,培养学生理论联系实际的能力、工程实践能力和创新能力,提高教学质量。
中图分类号:G712      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)03007803
Abstract:Tolerance matching and technical measurement is a key basic technical course for mechanical majors. This paper points out the problems in the reform of this course in some vocational colleges. Lecturing type of teaching fails to develop the measuring ability of students. The paper discusses the importance of strengthening the experiment teaching, thory explanation merged with experiment teaching and adjusting the content and patten of experiments from the aspects of the optimization of course structure and the reform of the teaching mode and evaluation model. Only by this method can the students strengthen their practical abilities, improve the ability of theory and practice, and enhance the engineering ability and creativity. The teaching quality will be greatly improved.
Key words:tolerance matching and technical measurement; experiment course; teaching reform; measuring ability
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