作者:ahzyxb  添加时间:2009-07-04 点击次数:646
(中共中央党校 研究生院, 北京100091)
摘  要:马克思的中间阶层思想是马克思主义理论的重要组成部分。深入研究马克思的中间阶层思想,对于正确认识和把握当代中国的阶层关系及其变化趋势、推进社会主义和谐社会建设具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。
关键词:马克思; 中间阶层;  社会分层;  当代启示
Abstract:Marx’s thought on intermediate strata is the important component part of the Theory of Marxism. To understand and adhere to the developing trend of relationships of all walks of life in contemporary China will promote building a harmonious socialist society,it has important theoretical value and realistic meaning studying of the thought.
Key words:Marx; intermediate strata; social stratification; contemporary enlightenment
(长江大学 政法学院 ,湖北 荆州  434023)
摘  要:我国房地产业方面的某些法律法规及政策在当今时代背景下,已显得极不合理,故有必要加快改进步伐。房地产步入公正之途,必须打破土地交易的国家垄断,加大打击圈地行为的力度,平衡各种利益,并在一定范围内建立土地私有制。
关键词:房地产业; 竞争; 公正; 发展 
Abstract:Under the present  background,some laws, regulations  and  policies about the real estate industry in our country already appear extremely unreasonable. Therefore,it is necessary to speed up the improving steps. However, for the meaning and standards of justice,a reasonable idea must be chosen. The fair long of development of real estate in China is to break state monopoly in land transanction,deeply punish the activity of enclosing land,balance the benifits of all walks of life and establish private policy of land in a certain range.
Key words:construction land right of use;state monopoly;competition;privatization
梁开健,   游  红1  ,  刘炎玲2
(1.湖南工程学院应用技术学院,湖南 湘潭  411104;
2.湘潭飞钎风动机械有限公司,湖南 湘潭  411103)
摘  要:基于COTS的软件系统因为具有很多优势越来越受到重视,但基于COTS的软件系统的开发方法与传统的软件系统的开发方法有重大差异,文章从软件体系结构这一视角出发,说明如何组织COTS软件组件以开发COTS软件系统。
Abstract:The software systems based on COTS are attracting more and more attention because of their many advantages. However, the development methods of COTS based on software system distinguish greatly from the traditional software system. In this paper, how to organize COTS software components  based on software system is illuminated from software architecture perspective.
Key words:COTS; software architecture; software component
吴  中,  朱长江,  陈军源,  董玉德
(合肥工业大学 机械与汽车工程学院,安徽 合肥  230009)
摘  要:随着汽车行业的快速发展和国家企业信息化的推广,由于中小型汽车配件行业零件加工的复杂性,管理部门无法及时了解车间内部实际生产数据和整个公司产销存数据。文章分析了国内零配件皇冠博彩系统中一些主要问题,构建了中小型企业的生产物流系统软件平台结构,论述了系统数据库构建和应用软件功能规划及系统设计过程的关键技术,对物流系统在汽车零配件行业的实施给出了具体意见。
关键词:生产物流; 工序流程; 软件分析与设计 
Abstract:With the rapid development of the automotive industry and promotion of IT application in  enterprise of our country, the   machining complexity in small and  mediumsized auto parts industry, management can  keep abreast of internal workshops and actual production data and sales data of the entire company.  This paper  deals with some of the main issues of the domestic parts industry information system, builds a small and mediumsized enterprises logistics system software platform structure; describes the system database and application software to build the overall functional architecture; lists  the application of key technologies in system design process. Finally,The article gives a specific comment on the uses of Material Flow System Engineering in the automotine parts industry.
Key words:production Logistic; Process flow; Software Analysis and Design
孙  玉
(皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥  230051)
摘  要:针对主机入侵和网络入侵的多样性和复杂性等问题,文章从入侵检测技术的工作原理和作用入手,重点论述了两种常用的入侵检测系统,即基于主机的入侵检测系统和基于网络的入侵检测系统,提出响应措施,为系统安全防护提供了有力的保障。
关键词:入侵检测; 基于主机入侵检测; 基于网络入侵检测; 入侵响应
Abstract:To the problems of the diversity and complexity about host intrusions and network intrusions,  starting with the working principle and effect of intrusion detection, the paper focused on two common kinds of intrusion detection system that are HostBased intrusion detection and networkbased intrusion detection. And it offered responses  for security of system.
Key words:intrusion detection;HostBased intrusion detection;networkbased intrusion detection;intrusion responses
(广州番禺职业技术学院 建筑工程系,广东 广州  511483)
摘  要:文章运用Marc软件中的广义Kelvin粘弹性模型对连梁式联合基础在竖向荷载作用下地基的沉降和应力进行三维模拟和计算,得出粘弹性地基的沉降与应力随时间变化的结论。
关键词:联合基础; 流变; Marc粘弹性有限元
Abstract:This paper utilizes Kelvin’s viscoelastic models in Marc software and makes 3D simulations and computations on connectingbeam combined foundations’ settlement and stress under the role of vertical load, and concludes that the settlement and stress of viscoelastic foundations vary with the time.
Key words:combined foundations; rheology; Marc viscoelastic FEM
张书诚,  桂树国
(皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥  230051)
摘  要:文章论述了住宅小区中自来水燃气集中控制系统、恒压供水控制系统和IC卡电表等电子技术的原理、关键技术及其应用,对住宅小区的智能化有一定的指导意义。
〖HT5”H〗中图分类号:TP271      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2009)02002503〖HK〗〖HT〗〖KH-*2〗
Abstract:This paper deals with the principles and key tochnology and its applications of the coal gas and running water common control system,pressure water supply control system and IC card electric instrument;it has some directive significance to intelligent community system.
Key words:intelligent housing; coal gas and running water common control; constant pressure water supply; IC card electric instrument
金红杰,  钟善理,  邓志涛
(杭州士兰集成电路有限公司,浙江 杭州  310018)
摘  要:半导体生产过程中,用吸笔从花篮取放硅片到显微镜下检测,存在着容易划伤硅片和取放效率低下两大问题。因此用机械手替代人工取放硅片的解决方案十分必要。文章介绍的全自动硅片传送装置用于手动显微镜的传片自动化。该装置利用51单片机为核心,控制步进电机带动机械手取放硅片。该装置用低廉的成本,实现了高效、便捷、实用性强等性能,具备很大的推广意义。
Abstract:During the semiconductor process of production,to transfer the wafers between cassette and microscope by vacuum chuck has two problems which are easy scratch and low efficiency. So researching about using robot instead of vacuum chuck is necessary. The auto wafer detect device is made of manual microscope. Based on 51MCU technique, the device controls step motor to drive the robot and transfer the wafers. The cost of the device is low, but the performance of the device is efficient, convenient, useful and so on. The auto wafer transfer device is worth extending.Key words:wafer transfer;auto load microscope;robot;MCU;step motor
孟维伟,  朱昌华
(安徽大学 政治学系,安徽 合肥  230039)
摘  要:       上个世纪八十年代有关人道主义和异化问题的大争论,其高潮是围绕周扬讲话所展开的争论以及胡乔木批判文章的发表,其核心是马克思主义与人道主义的关系问题。文章在理清周扬和胡乔木在这个问题上的各自观点及分歧后,认为马克思主义中包含人道主义,这就是马克思主义人道主义。
关键词:       马克思主义;人道主义;异化
Abstract:There was a great controversy between humanitarian and the problem of alienation in the 1980s. The culmination focused on the controversy in a speech given by Zhou Yang and the publication of critical article britten by Hu Qiaomu, the core of which was on the relations between Marxism and humanitarian. In this paper, we think that Marxism contains humanitarian by clarifying the respective views and differences of this issue by Zhou Yang and Hu Qiaomu.And this is the Marxism humanitarian.
Key words:Marxism; humanitarian; alienation
王雄刚,  魏清花
(兰州大学 哲学社会学院,甘肃 兰州  730000)
摘  要:民生思想是以关注普通民众的生活、生计为理想追求的一种政治主张,或者说是以此为基础的一种大众情怀。东西方贤哲对此有不同的阐释,在西方先哲那里表现为“人本主义”思想,而在东方的圣贤那里则表现为民本主义思想。文章从中国传统民本思想的角度,探讨民生思想是如何采取“中国式的现代化”方式,由理想走向现实,从而切实融入中国普通民众的日常生活,并为普通民众所知、所用。
关键词:民生思想; 民本思想; 现代观念; 中国式的现代化
Abstract:The thought of the people’s livelihood is concerned about the lives and livelihood of ordinary people’s life as ideal pursue of a political advocate, or is to take this as foundation of a general feeling. East and West sages have  different explanations to this. The performance in western sage is “humanism” ideology, while  in east sage is the principle thought of people. In this paper, the author will try to expand from the angle of the principle thought of people of the Chinese tradition to discuss how the thought of people’s livelihood adopted “the modernization of Chinesestyle”, from an ideal to reality, thus, the effective integration into the daily lives of ordinary people in China, and to be known and adopted by ordinary people.
Key words:the thought of people’s livelihood; the principle thought of people; modern idea; the modernization of Chinesestyle
(河南师范大学 社会发展学院,河南 新乡  453007)
摘  要:当前的金融危机不仅使日本经济倍受打击,也对今后日本国内政治生态演进与外交战略调整产生了重大影响。麻生内阁对中日关系的基本认知是中日关系经历“震荡”之后的理性再出发。金融危机背景下,以“经济外交”为主要内涵的“利益外交”成为日本对华外交的主流话语,以“亚洲外交”为主要框架的中日“外交协作”成为日本对华外交的重点之一,日本对华“价值观外交”战略将会隐性化、常态化。未来日本将长期延续以“利益外交”与“价值观外交”为特征的“双主轴”对华外交战略。
Abstract:The current financial crisis makes a heavy blow to Japan’s economy, and will exert a profound influence on Japan’s political ecology and diplomatic strategy for the future. Aso Cabinet’s attitude towards SinoJapanese relations is a new and rational starting point. In the background of financial crisis, interestoriented diplomacy  with an emphasis on economic diplomacy, will become Japan’s main diplomatic policy to China, and diplomacy of corperation with China  with a focus on Asian Diplomacy, will be one of keystones, and Japan’s valueoriented diplomacy will exist for a long term snugly. In the future, Japan will chronically implement the dual center strategy towards China with features of interestoriented diplomacy and valueoriented diplomacy.
Key words: financial crisis; Japan; SinoJapanese Relations; interestoriented diplomacy; valueoriented diplomacy
陈  嘉
(四川大学 法学院,四川 成都  610065)
摘  要:民族自决原则是国际法的一项基本原则,随着冷战的结束,新一轮民族主义势力抬头,他们以行使自决权为由,大肆进行分裂国家主权和领土完整的活动,西方国家基于其特定利益,对他们的民族分裂主义倾向加以支持。因此,在当今国际社会背景下,很有必要对其进行研究。文章认为,对民族自决权应作广义理解即调整对象为“所有民族”,民族自决权不等于分离权,民族自决权和国家主权既相互并存又相互制约。
关键词:历史发展; 民族自决; 国家主权; 台湾
Abstract:The national selfdetermination principle is a basic principle of international law. With the end of the cold war, a new round of nationalism is recurring and dividing state sovereignty and territorial integrity by the reason of the power of selfdetermination. Based on its particular interest in western countries, they support the ethnic separatism.Therefore, under today’s international social background, it is necessary to study them. The author argues that the national selfdetermination should be  generally understandingly  adjusted for “all peoples ”.“National selfdetermination” doesn’t equal to  separation. The national selfdetermination and national sovereignty are interdependent and mutually coexist.
Key words:the historical development;   the national selfdetermination;   national sovereignty;   Taiwan
(皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥  230051)
摘  要:创业已成为21世纪经济发展的源动力。创业型经济对经济发展、就业增长和科技进步起着重要的推动作用。合肥市应以创建国家创业型城市为契机,在创业体系和制度建设、政策扶持和创业教育和培训等方面采取积极措施,积极发展创业型经济,以提升城市的自身财富创造能力和推动地区财富增长能力。
Abstract:Entrepreneurship has become  sources for economic development in the 21st century. Entrepreneurial economy plays an important role in promoting economic development, employment growth and progress of science and technology. Hefei should take this opportunity to take positive measures in the entrepreneurial system, systembuilding, policy support and entrepreneurial education and training, in order to enhance the city’s ability to create their own wealth and promote regional wealth.
Key words:entrepreneurial economy; entrepreneurial city; superiority; countermeasure.
(合肥学院,安徽 合肥  230601)
摘  要:文章在对安徽省制造企业生产物流现状调研的基础上, 从企业生产物流业务状况、物流运营状况、物流成本、物流标准化和管理技术等方面具体分析了安徽省制造企业生产物流运作现状及存在的问题, 最后提出了制造型企业生产物流的发展策略建议,即基于精益物流的系统优化策略。
Abstract:From the aspects of logistics business, logistics operations, logistics costs, logistics standardization and logistics management techniques, this article makes a specific analysis of current problems in existing logistics system of Anhui manufacturing enterprises. The article also makes recommendations of development strategies, which are optimized strategies based on lean logistics system.
Key words:manufacturing enterprises; production logistics; lean logistics; Anhui Province; system optimization
杨  燕
(昆明理工大学 文学院,云南 昆明  650224)
摘  要:语言是文化的重要组成部分,并以一定的民族文化背景为依托。语言中最活跃,最具文化承载量的因素是词汇。中西文化的种种不同造成了中西词汇的不对应。指示意义相同的词却有着截然不同的涵义。文章通过分析中西词汇所蕴含的文化异质以减少或避免跨文化交际及英汉翻译中的谬误。
Abstract:Language is an indispensable part of culture and the use of language is greatly influeaced by culture. Words are the vividest element of language. Words which seemingly denote the same object may arouse different associations in different cultures. This paper aims to decode the cultural messages embedded in lexical meaning both in Chinese and English and pave the way for cross—cultural communication,translation and interpretation.
Key words:lexical meaning; cultural similarities and differences; cross—cultural communication
(商丘师范学院 美术学院,河南 商丘  476000)
摘  要:在生活中,音乐平面正影响着我们对于音乐的理解,引导着我们对音乐的选择。唱片封面也已逐渐成为一种视觉符号,发挥着自身的视觉传播价值,而图形是其根本视觉语言,扮演着重要的角色。
关键词:音乐平面; 图形创意; 唱片封面; 运用
Abstract:In our life, music graphic design affects us. Our understanding of the music  guides the selection of music.As a representative,the cover of record has gradually been a visual symbol and embodied the value of visual communication. Graphics also plays an important role as a basic visual language.
Key words:music graphic design; graphically creative; the cover of record;use
(宜春学院 政法学院, 江西 宜春  336000)
摘  要:文章分析了毛泽东创新思维的基本特征,论述了毛泽东的创新思维对大学生的创新思维能力培养的启示作用。
关键词:毛泽东; 创新思维; 大学生; 创新思维能力
Abstract:This article  elaborates  essential feature of the Mao Zedong innovative idea.  It also expounds the enlightenment of the  innovative  thinking ability cultivationg of college students by using Mao’s idea.
Key words:Mao Zedong; innovative thinking; college student; innovative idea ability
(江苏财经职业技术学院 政法系,江苏 淮安  223003)
摘  要:德育生活化是使理想的道德教育回归到现实生活中,以道德主体为核心,围绕其社会现实生活而进行的道德教育。文章通过对德育生活化内涵的阐述,说明了德育的生活化是学院道德教育的必然选择。
关键词:德育;  生活化;  学院
Abstract:The moraleducation adaptation returns the ideal moral education to real life, which takes the  main body as a core, and  carries out the moral education regarding its social real life. This article shows that  the moral education adaptation is the school moral educations inevitable choice  by elaborating on the moral educational adaptation connotation.
Key words:moral education; adaptation; school
方焱松,   张  勇
(合肥工业大学 科研处,安徽 合肥  230009)
摘  要:文章从我国高校科技成果转化的现状入手,分析了影响科技成果转化的关键因素,并针对性的提出了一系列加强高校科技成果转化的对策,对促进高校科技成果转化有一定的指导意义。
关键词:高校;科技成果; 关键因素; 对策
Abstract:Starting from scientific and technical achievements transformation of the universities of our country, the article analyzes the key elements of the influence on the transformation,and puts forth a series of measures to promote the transformation with direction and hopes that it has a directive significance to the transformation.
Key words:university;scientific and technological achievements;  key factor ; countermeasures
马  纯,  潘瑞春
(皇冠博彩, 安徽 合肥  230051)
摘  要:对高职院校辅导员工作绩效进行科学的评价是高职院校辅导员队伍建设的重要组成部分,具有十分重要的意义。辅导员工作绩效评价体系的建立,既要明确其内涵及依据,又要把握好相关原则,重点是指标体系的科学建立与规范实施。
关键词:高职辅导员; 工作绩效; 评价体系
Abstract:The scientific evaluation of tutor’s work is not only an important part of the construction of the tutor’s contingent in vocational college, but also plays an essential role in it. As for the construction of scien evaluation system of tutor’s work, the intention and foundation must be made clear and the relevant principle must be held,  core of which is the scientific foundation and normally execution of the index system.
Key words:tutor in vocational college;    work benefit;   evaluation system
林  虹
(宁波大红鹰学院,浙江 宁波  315175)
摘  要:文章运用例证法、访谈法和问卷调查法,综合剖析了教师在英语新课文导入阶段对学生无意义的答案持肯定态度的意义。研究表明,教师通过导入学生感兴趣的话题(比如娱乐性的问题),并且对学生的无意义的答案予以肯定,大部分学生愿意在课堂上与教师进行多次交流,同时学生能够把导入问题与课文内容相互联系起来,能够激发学生学习的自觉性和原动力,提高学生的自信,活跃课堂气氛,改善老师和学生之间的关系。
Abstract:“Positive attitude” is one kind of teacher’s attitudes towards students’ answers. The paper researches the teacher’s positive attitude to students’ meaningless answers. Using the case study, questionnaire and interview, it then illustrates the positive effects of affirming students’ meaningless answers during leadin: stimulation of students’ consciousness and impetus of study; enhancement of students’ confidence; activation of the class atmosphere and improvement of the relationship between the teacher and the students. It finally suggests the teachers adopting a mild and indirect attitude to students’ answers in other parts of English learning.
Key words:positive attitude; meaningless answer; leadin; consciousness and impetus of study
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