作者:ahzyxb  添加时间:2008-12-29 点击次数:944
刘俊生1, 余茂宽2 宣凤琴3 胡科研1 汝钊文1
 (1.合肥学院膜材料与膜过程重点实验室,安徽 合肥 230022;2.安徽富博医药化工股份有限公司,安徽 蚌埠 233030;3.皇冠博彩 化学工程系,安徽 合肥 230051)
Abstract In this paper, different concentrations of D-glucuronic acid hydrolysis-solution  separated by membrane technology, mainly focusing on the dependence of the times of volume dilution on the ratio of volume dilution, removal efficiency of nitric acid in the permeate, the change trend of Baume in the feed, the condensate and permeate solution. The experimental findings indicate that D-glucuronic acid hydrolysis-solution can be separated via diafiltration process, demonstrating its significance in the improvement of production pattern of D-glucuronic acid hydrolysis- solution.
Key wordsD-glucuronic acid; D-glucuronic acid hydrolysis-solution; membrane separation; ratio of volume dilution; times of volume dilution
(河南大学  马克思主义研究院,河南  开封 475001)
AbstractWhether investigating from the vision-fields of occurrence, or from the fact-judgment and value-judgment, the Scientific Development Oitlook is the objective request and inevitable outcome of the world history development, the world history gradually embodies the spiritual essence of the Scientific Development Outlook in the process of grand socialist modernization construction, in the process of pushing up the harmonious society construction, and the Scientific Development Outlook  has important and profound world history meaning.
Key words Karl Marx; world history; the Scientific Development Outlook; spiritual essence
1, 王大伟2
(1.聊城大学大学生心理健康教育与咨询中心,山东 聊城 252059;
2.山东师范大学 心理学院,山东 济南 250014)
AbstractMethods: this anxiety inventory is administered to 514  students in higher VTE schoots from Jinan, Liaocheng and Rizhao cities in Shandong province. Results: ①according to the results of exploratory factor analysis, there are seven factors of anxiety, namely learning anxiety, relation anxiety, job anxiety, existence anxiety, economic anxiety, social support anxiety and love anxiety . ②the anxiety inventory for higher VTE school students is tested to be reliable and valid enough to be applicable to measure students’anxiety. Conclusion:the anxiety inventory for higher VTE school students  is demonstrated to have good reliability and validity.
Key words anxiety; higher VTE school student; learning anxiety; economic anxiety; job anxiety
(泉州经贸职业技术学院, 福建 泉州 362000)
关键词:夹逼;半线性; 抛物型;上下解;爆炸
AbstractThe paper applies the criteria for limit squeezing principle to parabolic partial differential equations.Through the introduction of upper and lower solution,a string of non-monotonous sequence of solution and a string of non-monotonous solution by the next sequence are constructed,which proves the unique existence of the solution of semi-linear parabolic partial differential equation boundary value problems.
Key wordssqeezing principle; semi-linear; parabolic type; upper and lower solutions; explosion
(江苏信息职业技术学院,江苏 无锡  214000)
关键词: 智能家居网络;嵌入式系统;TCP/IP协议
AbstractBased on the mature of embedded TCP/IP technology and the development of controlling technology, the two technologies will be combined to constitute the effective LIN bus layout. It can control the single household electric appliance and control equipment which can be controlled; thereby the smart home comes out. 
Key wordssmart home network; embedded system; TCP/IP agreement
 (合肥工业大学 电气学院,安徽 合肥 230009)
AbstractSoft start is that the electronic devices’ start-up is realized in the loop of stator in a squirrel-cage motor,which can reduce starting current and torque.The paper analyses the characteristics of different soft starts of three-phase asynchronous motor and expounds the working principles of several soft starts.
Key words asynchronous motor; soft start; SCR
(合肥工业大学 电气学院,安徽 合肥 230009)
要:嵌入式单片机与PC机组合,PC机可利用单片机的采样DA输出功能,     而PC机的强大功能又弥补了单片机资源不足的困难,二者互相取长补短,可以在很多领域得到广泛的应用。
AbstractEmbedded single-chip system can be combined with PC computer, and PC computer and make use of data collection function of single-chip system to make up the problem of resource shortage of single-chip system.Both of them will gain wide application in many fields by complementing each other.
Key wordsembedded single-chip system; PC computer; combination  and application
(青岛市社会科学院,山东 青岛 266071)
关键词:民意诉求; 社会治理;  冲突; 调适
Abstract In recent years, the social governance crisis for improper handling a number of social events highlights the conflict between public demands and social governing manner. There are profound social and historical reasons in the accumulation of the   contradiction. The theory of governance should be more used to guide the social management under the background of social transformation, constantly improving the operation of powers, expanding public participation in political affairs, and responding to the continuously strengthening demands of public opinions. The theory is very important to improve the social management, prevent and control the social crisis.
Key words public demand; social governing; the conflict; adjustment
黄厚珍, 岚
(广东商学院 人文传播学院,广东 广州 510300)
Abstract The issue of rural laborers is an important social problem and theoretical topic in China.The important content of this issue is the cause, solution and strategy of this issue of rural laborers.
Key words issue of rural laborers; cause; way to solution
韩学民, 申海军, 兵
 (延安大学体育学院,陕西 延安 71600)
关键词:竞技体育; 和谐社会; 奥林匹克
AbstractWith the development and progress of society, competitve sports have a richer connotation and a profound economic and social impact on a region as well as on a country.The value and goal of competitive sports are accordant with the socialist harmonious society we are to set up.The paper makes analyses and research from the persective of harmony between man himself,man and society, as well as man and nature; and it describs the important role of competitive sports to a harmonious society. 
Key words competitive sports; harmonious society; Olympic
(南京师范大学 法学院,江苏 南京 210097)
AbstractRight of way is a constitutional right of citizen, which is of extreme importance to citizens in the contemporary soicety.A lot of studies has been made on this right in foreign countries,but the legal circle in our country has not reached a consistent definition on the concept of the right.The paper points out that the right of way has a broad sense and narrow one on the basis of the representative definition home and abroad, and describes its nature of law.
Key words constitutional right; right of way; connotation
(广东工贸职业技术学院,广东  广州 510510)
关键词:FMCG;   欧盟扩大;   影响分析;   Unilever;深度分销策略
AbstractThis paper concludes the features of FMCG industry and major characteristics of its supply chain, sets forth the background and current situation of EU eastern enlargement, and analyzes the impact of the eastern enlargement on EU and the global supply chain. It also examines the actual effects brought by EU eastern enlargement by taking Unilever as an example, and puts forward an improvement  advice for optimization of EU’s FMCG supply chain on the basis. 
Key words:FMCG; EU enlargement;  impact analysis;  Unilever; in-depth distribution strategy
(安徽省服装质量监督检验所,安徽 合肥 230001)
Abstract Garment industry is an important business to earn foreign exchange through export in china. The paper analyzes the restrictive factors of the garment industry in China and the countermeasures to take up the challenge of developed countries,such as EU and USA. It is of great importance for the industry to maintain sustainalle development.
Key words garment  industry; restrictive  factor; countermeasure
(安徽工商职业学院 工商管理系,安徽 合肥 230041)
AbstractIt will have a far-reaching influence on knowledge workers' management for psychological contract violation. The paper makes the research and analysis on the management countermeasures of the knowledge workers from the view of the adjustment of psychological contract violation. The purpose is to upgrade the level of organization management to the maximum. 
Key wordspsychological contract;psychological contract violation; knowledge worker; management
(安徽中技工程咨询有限公司,安徽 合肥 230061)
AbstractFinancial management is the part of enterprise governance, and it is the management in which the fund is obtained and used effectively; whether the financial management is good or not, it has a straight impact on the survival and development of the enterprises. Based on basic theory of financial management mode in enterprise groups, and combination of a  company’s  consulting business strategy and integrating theory with practice and use of comparative analyses, the paper puts forward the financial management concept with characteristics for this consulting firm.
Key wordsgroup of enterprises; mode of financial management; centralization
(安徽师范大学 文学院,安徽 芜湖 241003)
摘  要:鲁迅是现代小说大师,也是一位著名的悲剧理论家。将鲁迅小说置于他的人生悲剧理论之下考察,可以发现鲁迅小说集中有部分作品能够称为悲剧性小说。从悲剧人物、悲剧结局、悲剧根源和悲剧取材角度解读鲁迅的小说,可以加深对鲁迅小说的认识和理解。
AbstractLu Xun is a modern fiction master, and is also a famous theorist about tragedy.If we study his fiction under the background of his tragic theory about life, we can find some of his fiction can be named as tragic fiction.From the perspectives of tragic figure, tragic ending, tragic root and tragic material, we can have a better understanding of  Lu Xun’s fiction  and also find the unique tragic characteristics. 
Key words Lu Xun’ s fiction; tragic theory about life; tragic characteristic
娟,  刘 勇
(安徽广播影视职业技术学院,安徽 合肥 230022)
关键词:      探索; 创新; 大众传媒;  产业化;进程
Abstract From 1949 up till now, the mass media in china has begun the difficult exploration of in the struggle of interaction of politics, economg and culture and their inside dual attrilute and carried on a number of innovation accordant with china’s situation. It has experienced two courses of industralization and three main stages.
Key words exploration; innovation; mass media; industrialization; course
李纯丽1, 张秋红2
(1.呼伦贝尔学院,  内蒙古  呼伦贝尔  021008;2.长春工业大学,  吉林  长春 130032))
关键词:职业院校;单亲家庭学生;  心理健康;  干预
Abstract Following the rising divorce rate annually, more and more divorced families have appeared. The students with single-parent  family are easy to have psychological problems in their study, daily life and personality.  So how to do the work very well about the mental health of the students with single-parent  family is a very important task in vocational schools.
Key words vocational school; student with single-parent family;mental health;treatment inetrference
宏, 郭鸿雁
(宁夏大学 外国语学院, 宁夏 银川  750021)
要:口语交际中任务的引入是实现语言交际的重要途径。多元智能理论为每个学生树立自信、开发潜能开辟了广阔的道路, 也为现代科学的教学方法提供了重要的理论支撑和实用的教学策略。文章利用多元智能创设出不同的口语任务模式, 从而达到在真实的语境中培养学生口语能力,发展学生个性以及提高学生综合素质,使各项智能全面发展的目的。
AbstractThe introduction to task in oral communication is an important way of achieving language communication. Multiple intelligence theory opens up a vast road in establishing the self-confidence of students and developing their potential, and provides an important theoretical and practical support of the teaching strategies for modern scientific teaching methods as well. This paper aims at training students’ spoken competence, developing their personality and enhancing their overall quality and comprehensive development of intelligences by using multiple intelligences to create a different pattern of verbal tasks in a real context.
Key words multiple intelligences; task-based language teaching; task design; cooperative learning; spoken competence
朱晓勇, 宁, 尤显卿  
(合肥工业大学 材料科学与工程学院,安徽 合肥 230009)
AbstractConfronting with the existing problems in the experiment teaching of “CAD/CAM Fundamental” for the major of material processing in colleges, and combining experiment teaching practice,  this paper expounds on the teaching reform and practice in experiment teaching content, methods and tests.
Key words material processing; experiment; teaching reform; CAD/CAM
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