

    Most people have a love-hate relationship with Crocs. The rubbery slip-ons first hit the market in 2002 as boat shoes by a maker in Boulder, Colo. Since then, the company has expanded to include more than 300 different styles, including boots, ballet flats, wedges, and loafers.
  But many have been left wondering whether the spongy shoes are really good for their feet.
  “Unfortunately, Crocs are not suitable for all-day use,” Megan Leahy, DPM, a Chicago-based podiatrist with the Illinois Bone and Joint Institute, tells the Huffington Post. “These shoes do not adequately secure the heel. When the heel is unstable, toes tend to grip, which can lead to tendinitis, worsening of toe deformities, nail problems, corns, and calluses. The same thing can happen with flip-flops or any backless shoes as the heel is not secured.”
  足科医师Megan 任职于位于芝加哥的伊利诺伊骨科关节研究所。他在接受《皇冠博彩》采访时表示“洞洞鞋无法保护脚后跟。如果脚后跟踩不稳,脚趾就不得不因发力而弯曲,长此以往会使人患上肌腱炎,加重脚趾畸形,脚趾甲也会出现问题,脚掌上会长鸡眼,磨出茧子。穿人字拖或者任何没有足跟保护的鞋都会出现上述问题。”
  But what if you get the ones with the back strap like Mario Batali’s?
  那么有后带设计的 Mario Batali牌洞洞鞋呢?
  Still no good, says Alex Kor, DPM, president of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine.
  美国足科运动医学学会会长足科医学博士Alex Kor给出了否定的答案。
  According to Kor, the problem lies in the flexible shank of the shoe ― the portion between the heel and toe.
   “Patients are more likely to have foot pain if their shoes bend in the shank,” Kor tellsHuffington Post. “I see patients who come into my office complaining of arch or heel pain, and they are wearing Crocs.”
  While both Leahy and Kor are quick to dismiss the all-day wear of Crocs, they do admit that they’re OK for the short term.
  “OK to use for trips to the beach or the pool, but [they] should not be used for long walks,” Leahy says.